SB 5151
Histiocytic sarcomaDiagnostic Talley: high grade carcinoma�5, MFH�5, anaplastic large cell
IPOX: S100(+), CD163(+). CD1a, CD20, PAX-5, CD30, CD15, CD21, HMB45, Melan A�all negative.
Consultant: Stanford pathology
Reference: Histopathology 2002, 41:1-29.
SB 5152
Radiation induced extra skeletal osteosarcoma, chrondroblastic variant.Diagnostic Talley: osteosarcoma�unanimous.
IPOX (performed on core biopsy): EMA, S-100, HMB-45, CD30, CD34, CD45, CD68, SMA, desmin and CD117: all negative.
Consultant: Stanford pathology
SB 5153
Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor associated with neurofibromatosis type I.Diagnostic Talley: sarcoma NOS�20, inflammatory MFH�3, low grade fibromyxoid sarcoma-2, MPNST�3.
IPOX: S-100 (+)
Consultant: Sharon Weiss, M.D.
Reference: Cancer 47;10:2503-2509.
SB 5154
Epithelioid angiosarcomaDiagnostic Talley: Melanoma�5, epithelioid angiosarcoma-30, epithelioid hemangioendothelioma�3.
IPOX: CD31 (+), factor VIII (+), CD34 (-).
SB 5155
Chordoid meningioma, WHO grade II.Diagnostic Talley: Oligodendroglioma-3, metastatic tumor-2, microcystic meningioma-3, myxoid meningioma-2, chordoid glioma-2.
Consultant: Teri Haddix, M.D. Stanford
Reference: Atlas of Tumor Pathology, 3rd series, AFIP, pp 472-84, 2001.
SB 5156
Meningeal melanocytomaDiagnostic Talley: Melanotic schwannoma-20, meningeal melanocytoma-10.
Consultant: Hannes Vogel, M.D. Stanford.
References: Turhan T, et al. Spinal meningeal melanocytoma. Report of two cases and review of the literature. J Neurosurg. 2004 Mar;100(3 Suppl Spine):287-90.
SB 5157
Well differentiated mucinous endometrial adenocarcinoma resembling endocervical microglandular hyperplasia.Diagnostic Talley: Syncytial papillary metaplasia-5, well differentiated endometrial adenocarcinoma-30.
Follow-up: Hysterectomy shows residual tumor with invasion into inner 1/8 of myometrium. All lymph nodes negative.
Consultant: Charles Zaloudek, M.D. UCSF.
Reference: Zaloudek C, et al. Microglandular adenocarcinoma of the endometrium: a form of mucinous adenocarcinoma that may be confused with microglandular hyperplasia of the cervix. Int J Gynecol Pathol 1997;16:52-59.
SB 5158
Churg-Strauss syndromeDiagnostic Talley: Hypereosinophilic syndrome-4, Churg Strauss syndrome-40.
SB 5159
Whipworm�Trichiura trichiurusDiagnostic Talley: Whipworm--unanimous
SB 5160
Acute promyelocytic leukemia (FAB-AML-M3)Diagnostic Talley: Acute promyelocytic leukemia--unanimous
Follow up: Patient being treated with chemotherapy and ATRA, currently in remission.
Post Conference Evaluation Case: Epithelioid angiosarcoma.