Diagnoses for the Meeting of Monday, December 3, 2007
SB 5121:
Ochronosis, Right Knee. Diag. Tally: Ochronosis- Unanimous. Follow Up: None available.
SB 5122: Atypical Fibrous Histiocytoma, Skin, Lower Leg. Diag. Tally: Fibrous histiocytoma-16, Dermatofibroma- 2, DFSP- 26, R/O Infection-1. Follow Up: Well with no evidence of disease.
Note: CD 68, SMA +; S 100, CK 5/6 and Desmin -. Consultant: S. Kohler, MD
SB 5123:
Papillary Carcinoma, Predominantly Clear Cell Variant, Left Thyroid Lobe.Diag. Tally: C. cell var Pap Ca- 28, with Oncocytic features- 2, Clear cell adenoma- 4, C. cell var of Medullary Ca- 6, Follicular Ca- 6. Follow Up: None Available
.SB 5124:
Consistent with Hepatic Adenoma, Left Lobe of Liver. Diag. Tally: HCC- 26, Adenoma- 32. Follow Up: Well at 5 mos. Consultants: R. Kempson, MD, J. Higgins, MDSB 5125:
Telangiectatic Variant of FNH ( Hepatic Adenoma, Variant Type), Liver. Diag. Tally: Telang. Var. of FNH- 14, Adenoma- 8, Syndrome of Multiple FNH- 7. Follow Up: Patient is well at about 6 mos. Consultant: L. Ferrell, MD Ref: J Hepatol 46(3): 521-527, 2007.SB 5126: Metastatic Insular Carcinoma of Thyroid, Liver. Diag. Tally: HCC- 42, Met CA-8, Met NE CA- 4. Follow Up: Metastases appeared two years after ablation. Patient also had an incidental Papillary Carcinoma of her Thyroid. Note: Thyroglobulin + Ref: AJSP 26: 1007-15, 2002.
SB 5127: Angiocentric Glioma, WHO Grade 1, Right Temporal Lobe. Diag. Tally: Angiocentric glioma- 26, Cellular Oligo.- 2, Pilocytic Astrocytoma- 2, Desmoplastic Infantile Astrocytoma- 4.
Follow Up: Well after resection. Note: CD 56 Strong +, GFAP +, Scattered S 100 +, EMA- Perinuclear Dot positivity; Neurofilament, synaptophysin, Chromogranin and CD 34 -. Ki 67 1%.
Refs: 1. Journal Compilation 2007 Intl. Soc. Of Neuropath. Brain Path. 2. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 64: 875- 81, 2005.
SB 5128: Lipomatous HPC/Solitary Fibrous Tumor, Brain/Dura. Diag. Tally: Meningioma- 24, Metastatic Meningioma- 2, Ependymoma- 6. Follow Up: Well with no recurrence. Note: Patchy moderate strong positivity for BCL-2 and CD 99. Lesional cells Neg for CD 34. GFAP, S 100, EMA, CK 7, CD 10, SMA, Chromogranin, synaptophysin and neurofilament all Neg. Ki 67 1%.
FISH did not show SYT gene re arrangement. Consultant: S. Weiss, MD (Dural Sarcoma)
SB 5129: Giant Cell Rich Malignant Melanoma, Soft Tissue, Right Upper Thigh.
Diag. Tally: Melanoma- Unanimous. Follow Up: This is a met from a known primary. The patient was referred to City of Hope. Note: S 100, Melan A +; CD 20, CD 45, CD 4, CD 3, CD 30, AFP, PLAP, B- HCG, Alk-1, CD 163, Pan Ker, Desmin all Neg. FISH neg for EWS re arrangement.
SB 5130 Malignant PEComa, Uterus. Diag Tally: Stromal tumor of the Sex Cord, Stromal Type 32, Degenerated Epith. Leiomyosarcoma-8 " Weird Sarcoma"-6. Follow Up: None Available. Note: Melan A, HMB 45 +, SMA Focal +; Desmin, Caldesmon, S 100, CD 31, CD 34, CD 10 all Neg.
Post Conf. Eval. Case: Malignant PEComa. ( Metastatic to mediastinum from a finger lesion).