Diagnoses for the Meeting of Monday, November 5, 2007
SB 5111 Digital Fibromatosis, Right Second Digit of Foot.
Diagnostic tally: Digital fibromatosis-unanimous.
Follow-up: No recurrence at four months.
References: 1.Jensen AR, Martin LW, Longino LA. (1957) Digital neurofibrosarcoma in infancy. J Pediatr 51:566
2. Enzinger FM. Dermal fibromatosis. In: Tumors of Bone and Soft Tissue. Year Book, Chicago; 375-396.
3. Weiss S, Goldblum JR. Infantile digital fibromatosis. In: Enzinger and Weiss’s Soft Tissue Tumors. Mosby, St. Louis; 353-357
SB 5112 Schwannoma, Stomach.
Diagnostic tally: Leiomyoma-1, schwannoma-42, GIST-6.
Follow up: They should well want few months follow-up.
Note: S 100 positive; CD 34 and CD 117 are negative.
Reference: Hou, Y.Y., et al. Schwannoma of the Gastrointestinal Tract: A Clinicopathological, Immunohistochemical and Ultrastructural Study.
Histopathol 48: 536-545, 2006.
SB 5113 Minocycline Changes (" Black Thyroid") with Multinodular Hyperplasia, Thyroid Gland.
Diagnostic tally: "Black" thyroid related to minocycline-unanimous.
Follow-up: The patient had been receiving 100 mg / day of minocycline for her
SB 5114 Melanocytic Tumor of Uncertain Malignant Potential /Blue Nevus with Unusual Features, Skin.
Diagnostic tally: Congenital Nevus-12, Pigmented Epithelioid Melanocytoma,-9.
Follow-up: The patient had a re-excision but has not had a node biopsy. She is being followed annually.
Consultants: Sabine Kohler, MD, Philip LeBoit, MD
References: 1. AJSP 28:31-40, 2004.
2. AJSP 28:1114-1116, 2004.
SB 5115 Low Grade Myxoid Neoplasm with Recurring Potential, Soft Tissue of the Back.
Diagnostic tally: Myxoma-36, myxoid peripheral nerve sheath tumor-3, myxoma related to Carney syndrome-1.
Follow-up. The patient was well for a short period of time. See SB 5116.
Note: S 100 negative.
Consultant: M. Hendrickson, M.D.
SB 5116 Low Grade Myxoid Sarcoma with Features of Malignant Nerve Sheath Tumor, Soft Tissue of Back.
Diagnostic tally: Collagenoma-2, nuchal fibroma-1, fibromatosis-1.
Follow-up: This is the same patient as in SB 5115. One month following this he had a 20 cm tumor resected and radiation therapy is being considered.
Note: S 100 very focally positive. FISH is negative for translocations involving the FUS gene (16p11) (characteristic of low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma).
Consultant: John Goldblum, M.D. (This opinion includes SB 5115)
SB 5117 Malignant Granular Cell Tumor, Soft Tissue of Left Thigh.
Diagnostic tally: epithelioid sarcoma-10, malignant granular cell tumor-36.
Follow-up: The patient is currently in hospice care.
Note: S 100 strongly positive; desmin and CD 117 are negative.
SB 5118 Alveolar Soft Parts Sarcoma, Left Thigh and T12 of Spine.
Diagnostic tally: Alveolar soft parts sarcoma-unanimous.
Follow-up: The patient initially presented with back pain and the thigh mass was discovered on a subsequent visit. Soon after diagnosis, the patient was found to have metastases to lung and brain. He is currently receiving chemotherapy with ifosfamide and doxorubicin. Radiation therapy is being considered.
Note: Pan cytokeratin, MSA, S 100, chromogranin, vimentin and desmin are all negative. PAS-D is positive for cytoplasmic granules.
SB 5119 Kimura’s Disease, Left Submandibular Gland.
Diagnostic tally: Kimura’s disease-unanimous.
Follow-up: The patient is currently well.
Note: CD 20 and CD3 show the presence of a mixed B and T cell population. CD 21 does not show follicle lysis.
References: 1. Chan H. et al., "Kimura Disease, A Clinicopathologic Study of 21 Cases".
AJSP 28 (4): 505-513, 2004.
2. Gao, Y et al, "Clinicopathologic Study of Parotid Involvement in 21 Cases of Eosinophilic Hyperplastic Lymphogranuloma (Kimura's Disease)". Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod . 102(5): 651-8, 2006.
3.Hui, PK et al. "Lymphadenopathy of Kimura’s Disease". AJSP 13 (3): 177-186, 1989.
SB 5120 Granulosa Cell Tumor, Adult Type, Ovary.
Diagnostic tally: Urachal carcinoma-2, cystic adult granulosa cell tumor-46.
Reference: Pathology 29 (4): 348-53, 1997.
Post conference evaluation case: Schwannoma, stomach.